Dearest Sister,
Recently, I took a trip to California to help our daughter and her family. On the flight home, the plane made a stop in Las Vegas. The flight attendant announced that every seat would be filled for the flight to Salt Lake City. As the passengers filed onto the plane, my eyes caught the glance of a young lady. I smiled at her. She smiled back and asked if she could take the seat by me. We exchanged names, talked briefly about our trips, where we had been, and where we lived. During a lull in the conversation, she pulled an Ensign out of her bag. It was the March issue. I had already read many of the articles in that issue while in California. I immediately knew we had much in common.

By the time we were getting close to Salt Lake, the young sister confided in me about how fearful she was of flying—especially by herself. As we landed and taxied toward the gate, she thanked me for the conversation and stated I had put her at ease. I had been an answer to her prayers.
After this experience it reconfirmed to me that God puts people in our path to help us with our needs. Sometimes we are the answer to a prayer. Someone may need guiding in their darkest hour. We can be a ray of hope to someone and to ourselves. Let’s say kind words to each other. Let’s lend a helping hand. Let’s make a call to a friend. Heavenly Father puts us there to guide with love, to teach us to give, that we may know how to live.
Some say there are no miracles anymore. Watch and listen—you will know that there are miracles today. You may be part of one, for you may be someone’s angel sent from above to help in a time of need.
We love you sisters,
Jan Jessop
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